Wednesday, July 29, 2020

30 Days, 30 Photos

30 Days, 30 Photos Back home for a spell, and Ive been contemplating creative, effective ways to share uplifting quotes from my work. So I decided to capture  a beautiful photo each day for the next 30 days and share those moments on Instagram accompanied  by some of my favorite  apothegms tweezed from The Minimalists  books and essaysâ€"pithy sayings  such as: You cant change the people around you, but you can change the people around you. The easiest way to organize your stuff is to get rid of most of it. The truth is, you can skip the pursuit of happiness altogether and just be happy. The best part is you can join me, and we can be inspired together. Use hashtag #30days30photos and share some of your favorite maxims  (from me or anyone). Even if you dont use Instagram, you can still view my photos and captions  via your web browser. While you have your camera out, why not use it to snap  photos of the items  you plan on jettisoning during a new round of our  30-Day Minimalism Game? It is a new month, after all. Wouldnt now be a good time to start? Besides, its fun to take photos of the excess stuff youre purging: it further strengthens your sense of accomplishment and inspires others  to let go of that which does not bring joy. Subscribe to The Minimalists via email.

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